The Goodwood Apiary was established in 2017 to address the decline in honeybee population. It houses around 250,000 honeybees, and the honey produced is jarred and labeled by volunteer beekeepers. Rolls-Royce welcomed 11-year-old Poppy Liddle, an honorary Junior Beekeeper, back to the Home of Rolls-Royce at Goodwood. Poppy had previously visited the Goodwood bees and was appointed as Junior Beekeeper. She recently helped return swarming bees to the Apiary and inaugurated newly renamed beehives.

It’s the 120th anniversary of the Rolls-Royce marque this year with Rolls Royce renaming the hives after the six principal characters from its founding story, as featured in its year-long retrospective series, Rolls-Royce ‘Makers of the Marque’. The hives going forward will bear the illustrious names including Charles Rolls, Henry Royce and Eleanor Thornton. These will be engraved on the stainless-steel tread-plates, which are fitted to the marque’s pinnacle product, Phantom.

After the inauguration, Poppy enjoyed a private tour of the Home of Rolls-Royce, led by skilled apprentices. Rolls-Royce staff and members of the Chichester Beekeeping Association visited March CE Primary School to celebrate World Bee Day. Children from Years 1 and 2 learned about bees’ vital role as pollinators.

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